Hatched: Dragon Defender (Hatched Series Book 2) by Caren Hahn

Hatched: Dragon Defender (Hatched Series Book 2) by Caren Hahn

Author:Caren Hahn [Hahn, Caren]
Language: eng
Format: azw3, epub
Publisher: Seventy-Second Press
Published: 2022-08-24T00:00:00+00:00



Kierrick leaned back in his chair and stretched. “I can’t believe how little you know about dragon case law. For someone who’s made raising them your life’s work, you’re ridiculously ignorant.”

Charl laid aside the notes she was taking about a case where a dispute had arisen between a breeder and a farmer over a hatchling who had died six months after being hatched.

“I know enough,” she objected. “I’m a farmer, so I don’t need to know about all the restrictions on migration patterns or how anstil is regulated. None of that applies to me. My dragons lay eggs. I harvest them. I don’t let my license expire. The end.”

“But to not know about the Mudwan Council? It was convened by Meirdan the Protector herself. I thought everyone knew about it.”

“I know now. And I’m sure my father mentioned it. But I don’t think either of my parents planned on dying so young. They probably thought they had many years to teach us everything.”

“Good thing you’ve got me on your side, then.” Kierrick grinned and poured a dark amber liquid into a glass. Then he gestured to Charl. “You want one?”

She shook her head. She didn’t want to admit that she didn’t know what it was. Kierrick seemed like someone with a high tolerance for strong drink, and she didn’t want to take her chances.

The Mudwan Council hasn’t been followed in generations, Graegyn said, breaking into her thoughts. Their resolutions were mostly reversed within the first hundred years. Your human government lauds Meirdan’s council, but they do not follow it.


All except the one that says it’s lawful to kill or capture any magical creature deemed a threat to the future of humanity.

“If the Mudwan Council was so important, why did future lawmakers reverse so many of their policies?” Charl asked.

Kierrick looked up from his glass with a confused expression. “Why would you think that?”

“It’s…a hunch.”

“Sorry, cousin. You’re wrong there. The Mudwan Council formed the basis of our magical regulation codes, particularly regarding restricted creatures.”

Slip was standing at a large bank of windows set on either side of glass doors that opened out onto a garden. He turned and exchanged a look with Charl.

“Charl’s hunches are pretty good, Your Highness. If she thinks it’s worth digging deeper, you won’t be disappointed.”

Charl gave him a grateful smile.

“Fine,” Kierrick said. “I suppose it won’t hurt to look closer. But if your hunch is correct that throws hundreds of years of accepted case law into question.” He shifted a pile of papers aside and reached for an old scroll. Then he paused and looked up. “But answer me this. Why does the pretty guard have to stand out in the hallway?”

Charl and Slip looked at him.

“You mean Moira?”

“She’s making sure we aren’t interrupted,” Slip answered. “And she may not be a Reg, but she was selected by Wynne, so I don’t trust her.”

“I do,” Charl said. “She’s Prax’s sister.”

Slip looked at her blankly.

“So…I trust her.”

“Just because you trust her brother?” Kierrick asked. “Dirty fangs, you are naive.


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